The next Whitaker-Bement Girls in Mathematics Competition (WBGMC) takes place on Sunday, January 26, 2025.
Who is eligible to participate in the competition?
To be eligible to compete in the WBGIMC, students must meet all of the following criteria:
a) Have a passion for problem-solving!
b) Be female or non-binary in gender identity.
c) Be in grade 9 or below OR under 15.5 years of age on the day of the competition (January 26, 2025). -
Where can I register?
Do participants needs to submit a completed waiver? Submit Certificates of Insurance for Schools?
Yes, they do.
A waiver completed must be submitted for each competitor before they are allowed to compete.
The waiver is online here in two formats. Both are the same: PDF, DOCX
All official school teams need to also send in a Certificate of Insurance from their school. (Not needed for non-school based teams.)
Scans of completed documents should be emailed to Jessi Johnson at jejohnson@williston.com
While completed forms can be submitted the morning of the event during registration, it’s preferred if the forms are emailed in before the event.
Chaperones should make sure they are carrying a hard copy of all waivers with them at the event.
How can I submit team rosters? (Due Friday, January 17, 2025)
Please use this online form to submit your team roster(s) by Friday, January 17, 2025.
Is there an age minimum?
No, there is not, but keep in mind that problems will be geared for students in 5th through 9th grades.
Does someone who wants to compete need to be connected to a school or other organization?
Nope! Individual competitors or groups of competitors can attend without being connected to a school or any other organization. They will need to have a chaperone, which could be someone like a parent or guardian or one of the competitors.
Which schools are competing?
WBGMC2023: Right here!
The Williston Northampton School
The Bement School
White Brook Middle School
Groton School
Easthampton High School
Hilltown Cooperative Charter Public School
Smith Academy
Hatfield Elementary School
Amherst Regional Middle School
Western Mass ARML
Wilbraham & Monson Academy -
Sarah Whitaker and Dorothy Bement founded the Northampton School for Girls in 1924. In 1971 the school merged with Williston Academy to become the Williston Northampton School. You can read more about Sarah Whitaker and Dorothy Bement right here.
Does my team need an adult chaperone?
Yes! All organizations must have at least one adult chaperone with them at all times. If an organization is bringing more than one team, they are only required to have one adult chaperone, although one per team is recommended.
How difficult are the competition problems?
We’re aiming for the difficulty of competition problems to span elementary and middle school topics through a maximum difficulty of AMC 8 problems. Some challenge problems will work to push students to the level of AMC 10.
Can I see some example problems?
Sure thing!
Here you go: Problems, Solutions
All of our example and competition problems are written by members of the Williston Math Team!
I want to sign up but I don’t know how many competitors we’ll be bringing. What do I do?
When registering, teams only need to provide an estimate of their number of competitors. Teams will have until Friday, January 17, 2025 to finalize their rosters.
Where does the event take place?
The Whitaker-Bement building located right here on the Williston Northampton School campus. The street address is 51 Park Street.
Where can I park? (UPDATED 1/12/23)
ALL parking must be done in the Scott Hall parking located right here across the street from The Schoolhouse building (19 Payson Ave, Easthampton, MA 01027).
Drop off CAN still be done right next to the Whitaker-Bement building, but all vehicles will need to park in the Scott Hall parking lot.
Full-sized busses will not be able to drop off at WB. They will need to drop off on the main quad and then get instructions from Campus Safety on where to park.
What is the event schedule?
8–8:40, Registration
8:45–9, Official event opening!
9:10–10, Individual Round
10–10:20, Social time
10:30–11:20, Team Round
11:25–11:55, Guest speakers
12–12:40, Lunch
12:40–12:50, Teams re-check in
1–2, GUTS Round
1:15 to 1:45, Guest speaker for coaches.
2:05–2:35, Social time
2:45–3:15, Awards -
Who are the guest speakers? What will they be covering?
To Be Announced!
How will the Individual Round work?
The Individual Round is a 50-minute, 10-problems test where all answers are single values (i.e. short answers). The point weights for each problem are indicated on the exam.
How will the Team Round work?
The Team Round is a 60-minute, 10-problem test where all members of a team work together. The point weights for each problem are indicated on the exam.
What’s the GUTS Round?
The GUTS (Get Up To Submit) Round is an 60-minute team event with 42 short-answer questions on an assortment of subjects, of varying difficulty and point values. The problems are divided into sets of three. The point weights for each problem are indicated on the exam.
All teams gather in one large room. At the starting signal, each team sends a runner to an assigned problem station to pick up copies of the first set of three problems. As soon as a team has answers for one problem set, the runner brings the answers to the problem station and picks up the next set of 3 problems. It is not expected that students will finish all the problems. Grading is immediate and scores are posted in real time.
How will teams be ranked at the end of the event?
A teams’ final team score will be calculated as a weighted sum of their scores from all three rounds: 50% Team, 30% GUTS, 20% Individual
- Team is out of 30 points (and then scaled to 50 since 50%)
- Individual is out of 30 points. Team members averaged and then scaled to 20%.
- GUTS: Highest score given 30 points (since 30%) and all other scores scaled linear. (so if winner got 70 and second place got 56, then winner got 30 points and second got 24)
Are calculators allowed? How should answers be formatted?
Any calculator without a QWERTY keyboard is allowed.
Answers must be exact or have 4 (or more) significant digits, correctly rounded.
Who will be awarded prizes?
The top three finishers in all both divisions (Team and Individual) will receive prize plaques.
How will teams send in their rosters?
Teams will use an online form to submit their rosters. The form will be posted by early December. The form will collect participants names, dietary restrictions, and some additional miscellaneous information.
Do you have some promo materials we can use to spread the word about the event?
Coming soon!
How does lunch work?
Lunch will be a mix of wraps and salads. Drinks and desserts will be provided. There will be gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan options. Teams will submit their dietary restrictions when they verify their rosters.
Who can I reach out to with questions?
Jessi Johnson, jejohnson@williston.com
The 4th annual WBGMC was a HUGE success!

65 competitors from 9 schools spanning 17 teams competed in individual, team, and a GUTS round!
Top Team Finishers:
1. Greenwich Academy Green (Greenwich Academy)
2. Radical Quarks (Bement)
3. Eaglebrook Ladies (Eaglebrook)
Top Individual Finishers:
1. Satya (Greenwhich Academy)
2. Abby (Greenwhich Academy)
3 Whitney (Eaglebrook)
Complete results can be viewed here.
All WBGMC 2023 problems and solutions can be viewed and downloaded right here.
Want to see what the event was like? Check out this awesome WBGMC 2023 Highlight video!
Registration for the 4th annual WBGMC is now open!
The event will take place on Sunday, January 29th, 2023 at the Williston Northampton School.
The registration form is online here.
We still have space! Sign up ASAP to snag your spot!
The event is capped at 25 teams of 4.
Schools will be allowed to bring more than one team as long as there is space.
To be eligible to compete in the WBGMC 2023, students must meet all of the following criteria:
a) Have a passion for problem-solving!
b) Be female or non-binary in gender identity.
c) Be in grade 9 or below OR under 15.5 years of age on January 29th, 2023.
See below for information on past events!
An extensive event FAQ is located at the bottom of this page. Please make sure you look it over and contact Mr. Seamon-Ingalls (jseamon@williston.com) if you have any questions.
In particular, please make sure you pay special attention to the waiver/insurance certificate section.
The list of teams that have registered for the 2023 event can be viewed right here!
Team rosters should be submitted using this form.
The 3rd annual WBGMC is now online!
Here are the winners of the 2022 WBGMC!
Gold (Perfect score!):
Melody (Bement)
Cleo (Bement)
Angelina (Bement)
Honorable Mention:
Team Eaglebrook!
2022 Questions || 2022 Answers
All competition questions were designed by Williston Math Team members!
Answers need to be submitted using this online form by May 6th, 2022 @ 11:59pm EST!
(File upload of PDF/photo of answers.)
There are 6 questions, you get 30 minutes, and calculators are allowed.
Event questions should be sent to Josh Seamon (jseamon@williston.com).
Award plaques will be given to the top 3 scoring students!
Students from anywhere in the world are welcome to compete as long as they meet the event eligibility guidelines.
To be eligible to compete in the WBGMC 2022, students must meet all of the following criteria:
a) Have a passion for problem-solving!
b) Be female or non-binary in gender identity.
c) Be in grade 9 or below OR under 15.5 years of age on April 29th, 2022.
The 2nd annual WBGMC is now live!
Here are the winners of the 2021 WBGMC!
2021 Questions || 2021 Answer Key
Gold (Perfect scores!):
Shihan (Apple) (Blair Academy)
Ke (Cleo) (Bement)
Youran (Angelina) (Bement)
Melody Sun (Bement)
Wenna (Vickie) (Bement)
Eleanor (Groton)
Jasmine (BB&N)
Hao (Williston)
Crystal (Williston)
Flora (Bement)
The WBGMC has moved online!
The questions can be downloaded right here!
All competition questions were designed by Williston Math Team members!
Answers need to be submitted using this online form by May 10th, 2021 @ 11:59pm EST!
(File upload of PDF/photo of answers.)
There are 6 questions, you get 30 minutes, and calculators are allowed.
Event questions should be sent to Josh Seamon (jseamon@williston.com).
Award plaques will be given to the top 3 scoring students!
Students from anywhere in the world are welcome to compete as long as they meet the event eligibility guidelines.
To be eligible to compete in the WBGMC 2021, students must meet all of the following criteria:
a) Have a passion for problem-solving!
b) Be female or non-binary in gender identity.
c) Be in grade 9 or below OR under 15.5 years of age on April 30th, 2021.
The 1st annual WBGMC was a smashing success!
90 girls came together for an unreal day of math fun!
Check out the amazing WBGMC 2020 highlight video!
All of the competition problems (and solutions) are now online!
You can check out the event results right here.
“Math Competition Breaks Barriers for Girls in STEM“ [Article in Williston’s student paper.]
Were you at the event? If so, it would be super helpful if you could fill out the event feedback form. We’d love to hear from everyone: competitors, coaches, chaperones, volunteers, spectators… anyone who attended!
The 2nd annual WBGMC will take place on Sunday, January 17th, 2021!

The Williston Math team is excited to announce the first Whitaker-Bement Girls in Mathematics Competition!
Our vision is to bring together 100+ elementary and middle school girls for a day of fun, centered around mathematics, empowerment, and growing a strong female-centric mathematics community!
The event will take place on Sunday, January 19, 2020 at the Williston Northampton School. Team check in will begin at 8 a.m. and the event will conclude at 3:30 p.m.
The event program is online right here!
This free event is being built by members of Williston’s math team.
The competition will be comprised of individual and team rounds. There will be two competitive tracks: one designed for elementary school students and one for middle school students.
Teams will be comprised of a maximum of four students. Schools/organizations are welcome to send more than one team. We have space for up to 150 competitors.
Individuals and groups of fewer than four people can register to compete. These registrants will be given the option to be joined with other similar groups to form teams of four.
Individual and team prizes will be awarded to top three finishers in both the middle and elementary school divisions.
Lunch is included for all participants and coaches. Additionally, the first 100 registrants will receive a free competition t-shirt!
Registration will close on Monday, January 6, OR when we hit out cap of 150 competitors.