The faculty of the Visual and Performing Arts Department, all working artists themselves, share a profound commitment to making the arts an integral part of their students’ lives and the Williston community. Our art courses, which range from basic foundations courses up to AP Music Theory, offer expert instruction and hands-on experience the fields of studio art, photography, dance, music, and theater. More broadly, the arts are a celebrated part of our community at Williston, with enthusiastic participation and attendance for our many performances and shows. Find your inspiration in one our 13 different creative spaces on campus, including painting, photography, and music studios, performance spaces, and costume and scene shops.
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Special Offerings
Arts Intensive
The Arts Intensive is Williston’s afternoon program in the arts. Students choose between visual, musical, performance, and theater production, and can use this daily time to refine a current passion or try a new arts discipline under the guidance of a faculty member.
Grum Project
The Grum Project is Williston’s visiting artist program. Funded by a generous alumna from the Northampton School for Girls, the Grum Project brings artists of all kinds—musicians, actors, visual artists, dancers, and more—to campus for mini-residencies so that the entire Williston community can participate.
Grubbs Gallery
Williston’s on-campus art gallery showcases the work of students, faculty, and visiting artists. The light-filled room—complete with a veranda; high, windowed ceilings; and an overlook from Reed Campus Center’s upper floors—hosts exhibitions and special events.
Visiting Artists
Throughout the year, Williston brings in visiting artists to share their expertise in our academic and campus life programs. In the last few years alone, we’ve had dozens, including street arts practitioners, ceramicists, YA authors, Random House editors, Grammy-winning musicians, social media artists, and sports photographers.
Arts Concentration
Students engaged in the arts at a deep level (participating in both curricular and co-curricular components) may be recognized for completing a “Williston Arts Concentration.” These students work closely with arts faculty mentors to develop a challenging, enriching program of study, and are able to note the concentration as a special course of study their school transcript.
Three Tiers of Classes
We offer several levels of arts classes to meet you where you are. Introductory classes help beginners acquire a solid foundation of techniques. Middle-tier classes are for those who want to pursue growth. For students who want to develop their own bodies of art work and work more independently, we have upper levels and AP classes, plus Williston Scholars.
Studio Art
Our Studio Arts classes encompass drawing, architecture, ceramics, sculpture, two- and three-dimensional digital design, and painting. We offer several levels of classes: introductory (for true beginners), middle-tier (for those who want to pursue growth in a current passion), and upper level (for students who want to work more independently or develop a more complex body of art).
Film + Photography
Photography students study both film and digital photography and participate in the Photographers’ Lecture Series, which brings professional image-makers to campus several times each academic year. Film students learn camera work and editing software, and participate in the annual film festival and the student-run film club.
Williston’s theater program provides performers, technicians, and designers with hands-on opportunities to practice their craft. In addition to our extensive extracurricular program, we offer curriculum-based acting, directing, and design classes, senior independent projects, and courses in acting, directing, and technical theater.
The dance program at Williston offers technique classes for students of all levels of ability and experience. Training in choreography and performance are available for students who wish to participate in the full-evening dance concerts that are performed in the fall and spring seasons.
Instrumentalists may play in large or small ensembles or take private lessons. Singers may join the Caterwaulers Male Concert Chorus, Widdigers Female Concert Chorus, the Teller Chorus or the Wild Chords. All musicians perform at special events and concerts throughout the year.
Fall dance concert: November 15-16, 7 p.m., Williston Theater
Spring dance concert: May 15 and 17, 7 p.m., Williston Theater
Fall choral and instrumental concert: Saturday, November 9, 7 p.m., Phillips Stevens Chapel
Holiday concert: Saturday, December 14, 7 p.m., Phillips Stevens Chapel
Winter Warmer concert: Friday, January 31, 8 p.m., location TBD
Winter instrumental concert: Friday, February 28, 7 p.m., Dodge Room, Reed Campus Center
Spring choral and instrumental concert: Friday, May 9, 7 p.m., Phillips Stevens Chapel
Fall play: All in the Timing: Six One-Act Plays October 31 and November 1-2, 7 p.m., Williston Theater
Winter musical: February 20-22 at 7 p.m., and February 22 at 2 p.m., Williston Theater
Williston Scholars Performing Arts Spotlight: Wednesday, May 21, 7 p.m., Williston Theater
Eighth Grade Theater Project: Wednesday, May 28, 7 p.m., Williston Theater
Arts Walk: Monday, November 18, 6:30–7:30 p.m., Reed Campus Center
Arts Walk: Monday, March 3, 6:30–7:30 p.m., Reed Campus Center
Williston Film Festival: Date TBD, 7 p.m., Reed Campus Center
Arts Walk: Monday, May 19, 6:30–7:30 p.m., Reed Campus Center
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