Strategic Plan
In spring of 2022, Head of School Bob Hill, Board Chair John Hazen White Jr., and the Board of Trustees initiated a new strategic planning process that is expected to be completed by spring of 2023. Williston has retained the services of consultant John Green of RG175 to oversee the effort along with the Board’s Strategic Issues Committee, and an ad hoc 15-member Steering Committee made up of both administrators and faculty. Unique focus group brainstorming sessions with students, faculty, staff, the alumni Head’s Visiting Council (HVC), and the Board of Trustees have already yielded thoughtful feedback regarding possible future long-term priorities for the school.
To make sure that as many stakeholder voices as possible can be heard, we have also held online focus groups with a cross-section of parents, and in early August, launched constituency surveys that have gone out to all students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni, and the Board of Trustees. We are pleased to have the opportunity to seek your feedback as the school embarks on developing a new strategic plan for the next generation at Williston. Once all input is collected and distilled, the Steering Committee will create a draft of the plan to be vetted by the Board’s Strategic Issues Committee which then will be passed on to the full Board of Trustees for final review and ultimate approval and implementation by the school.
Innovation and Purpose
Read our 2014 Strategic Plan below.
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