
In Williston’s language program you’ll develop linguistic fluency and cultural literacy in French, Latin, or Spanish. Supportive and enthusiastic faculty will encourage you to go beyond gerunds and participles, and will spark your interest in the ways people communicate and connect in our increasingly multicultural world.

Featured Course

AP Spanish Language

Taken as a fifth year of Spanish, this college-level course focuses on developing a high level of competence in speaking, writing, listening, and reading. Literary and journalistic texts continue the study of Hispanic culture and serve as the basis for vocabulary study, class discussions, and compositions. The course includes a variety of advanced speaking and listening activities and a thorough review of grammar.

teacher and students in Spanish class

Special Programs

School Year Abroad

Imagine learning a language by being immersed in the culture of its speakers. That’s how School Year Abroad works. You have the option to spend your junior year in one of three countries: France, Italy, or Spain. It’s an unforgettable experience and an exceptional opportunity for students who are ready for adventure.

Classics Day

Each spring, Williston Latin students head to the University of Massachusetts for Classics Day, a celebration of ancient cultures and an opportunity to compete with Latin students from middle and high schools throughout our region in costume, art, oral interpretation and trivia contests. There are also workshops led by professors and graduate students covering a range of classical topics.

Meet the Language Faculty

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Beatrice Cody

Language Department Head and Latin Teacher

Jesus Lopez Diez

Spanish Teacher

Eugenio Garcia

Spanish Teacher

Nat Simpson

Spanish Teacher and International Student Coordinator

"I interviewed several doctors who work with Doctors without Borders and I created a language manual for the Democratic Republic of the Congo to try to instruct doctors better and prepare them better for the language experience that they would have there."

Sarah, from her Williston Scholars Language project
Read more about Williston Scholars

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