History +
Global Studies

The History + Global Studies curriculum provides students with an understanding of the forces that have shaped the past and continue to influence the world today.Through the process of reading and writing, as well as problem-solving discussions, students learn to investigate historical questions, analyze sources, and effectively express their ideas. Working with passionate and expert faculty, they also develop the critical skills needed to become an engaged participant in our democracy, preparing them to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Humanities Concentration

The English Department and the History and Global Studies Department offer a Humanities Concentration to celebrate and encourage those students who have a demonstrated passion for the humanities. This concentration is intended for students who want to exceed the requirements in both departments by investing extra time, effort, and energy to pursue their passion.  In order to fulfill this concentration, students must complete three additional electives, a Williston Scholars course in either department, and additional extracurricular work, such as publication or participation in relevant clubs.

Ninth Grade Humanities Program

The Ninth Grade Humanities Program consists of three trimester courses in history, religious studies, and the arts. Each ninth grade student is required to complete the history and religion component along with one introductory art trimester of his or her choosing.

girl using tablet with stylus
students in class

Featured Course

AP United States Government & Politics

This full-year course will give students an analytical perspective on government and politics in the United States. The course includes both the study of general concepts used to interpret U.S. government and politics and the analysis of specific examples. It also requires familiarity with the various institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that constitute U.S. government and politics.

"Studying the actions of the Irish Republican Army, their violent points, the way they influenced people to support their cause, as well as why the conflict came to an end, provides details that may help end the war on terror in the Middle East today."

JJ, from his Williston Scholars History + Global Studies project
Read more about Williston Scholars

Meet the History + Global Studies Faculty

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Tom Johnson

History and Global Studies Teacher and Department Head

Michael Doubleday

History & Global Studies Teacher

Mike Fay

History & Global Studies Teacher

Sarah Klumpp

History and Global Studies Teacher

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