Hall of Fame 2014

Joseph Lynch ’10

Joseph Lynch attended Williston for three years. Although he played class (intramural) football, and excelled at baseball, where played varsity on in each of his three years, basketball was where he dominated. He scored 132 points himself in the 1908 season, which is particularly impressive given that Williston’s opponents scored a total of 189 points that season.

As captain of the undefeated championship team in 1909, he was named most valuable player. That year, he scored 152 points, and the school’s opponents scored 156 points. In 1910, the team was again undefeated and won the league championship. Joseph scored 110 points versus that year’s opponents’ total of 115 points scored.

In total, Joseph scored 394 career points in the 28 games he played during his Williston career. He scored in the double digits in 19 of those games. Joseph went on to play baseball as a pitcher at the College of the Holy Cross. He served in World War I with Battery F of the 51st Division of the Coast Artillery.