girl holding paper in front of map

Williston Artists, Writers Strike Gold, Silver


The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards are the nation’s longest-running, most prestigious recognition program for creative teens. Recognition is given in 28 categories in arts and writing for students in grades 7 to 12. Regional Gold Key awardees are under consideration for national awards. This year’s Williston Northampton School awardees are:

Anita Hua ’22 (pictured above)
Regional Gold Key for Personal Essay and Memoir for “The Coconut Candy”

Amy Ren ’22
Regional Gold Key for Photography for “One Last Time”
Regional Silver Key for Photography for “How Big the Dream Is,” “Holy Place,” “Embrace the Darkness,” “Becoming”
Honorable Mention for Photography for “We”

Melody Pan ’22
Regional Silver Key for Humor for “Tide”
Regional Silver Key for Journalism for “Black@ Accounts Shine Light on Williston Campus”

Yijune Hong ’22
Regional Silver Key for Painting for “Perspectives”
Regional Silver Key for Drawing and Illustration for “Co-Existence”
Regional Silver Key for Sculpture for “Hidden World”

Hannah Choi ’22
Honorable Mention for Mixed Media for “Ark of Social Distancing”
Honorable Mention for Drawing and Illustration for “Persona”

Hua was delighted to receive the Regional Gold Key award. “I feel very fortunate and pumped because now I get to encourage more people to participate and potentially provide some feedback to their works if they want to share with me,” she said. “The only difference between a writer and a non-writer is the act of writing.”

Congratulations on this exciting achievement!