Wildcat Strong


It’s perhaps an understatement to say the spring trimester didn’t end up the way anyone expected. Instead of being together for spring sports, classes, WillyGras, and Commencement on the Quad, we were physically scattered, with students around the world checking in for daily classes via video. But not surprisingly, the Williston community spirit, always strong, in these months thrived, supporting one another through this difficult time. Here are just a few of the ways.

1. Community Service
This spring, Wildcats did good well— by making 3D-printed face shields for front-line workers, delivering meals from local restaurants to doctors and nurses, offering free math tutoring for struggling students, and writing letters to seniors in nursing homes.

2. Virtual Batting Practice
How do you have BP when you’re not on the same field? Coach Matt Sawyer used smoke and mirrors (and some tricky video skills) to edit together a virtual batting session, with coach pitching to each player, who then cracked the ball out of the park from home.

3. Fun advisory meetings
Since advisors couldn’t bring donuts this trimester, they upped their virtual game to make sure students felt connected. Advisory activities included holding trivia and costume contests, singing “Sammy,” donning silly hats, and wearing team gear. Ms. Klumpp’s advisory even taught her how to TikTok one Wednesday!

4. Birthday Parties
Many Wildcats marked milestones during the spring trimester, and none passed without happy birthday wishes from Kimmel’s Quads, a daily email to the Williston community from senior Sarah Kimmel. Advisory groups held Zoom parties for birthday boys and girls, who also got a shout out on Wake Up, Williston! (see sidebar).

5. Dance team video
Members of the Dance Ensemble (and several alumni!) shared their moves from the beach, bedrooms, basements, and backyards, with dogs and cats, to the Generationals’ “When
They Fight, They Fight” during an episode of Wake Up, Williston!

6. Evening Gatherings
The Zoom game was strong this trimester. There were Friday night trivia contests, with questions on subjects such as sports, Disney songs, and product slogans. The community also gathered to recite, translate, and listen to poetry (in any language but English) in an event hosted by the Classics Club.

7. Isolation Creations
As Art Department Chair Natania Hume reminds us, “Making and creating are great ways to explore new ideas and experiment.” Each week since remote learning began, she has put out a prompt—food, masks, alter egos—and a call to students, faculty, and alumni to submit photos or videos of their responses. And we have answered the call!
Check out the Williston Arts Instagram for a peek.

8. Recreating the Musical
Not to be dramatic, but it completely broke our hearts to miss out on the in-person staging of the spring musical, Les Misérables. However, the cast didn’t miss the chance to perform the soaring anthem “One Day More” together, remotely, from their homes, on Zoom. The show must go on!