During a recent assembly, Williston Northampton School’s Art Department Chair Natania Hume recognized four students for their devotion to and excellence at their respective arts disciplines.
Britanie Acurio ’20, AP Studio Art
Brittanie has taken her love of her hometown and brought a serious amount of New York attitude and energy to her work in AP2D and Arts Intensives. Her work illustrating the five boroughs utilizing mixed media (metal, wood, mortar, dirt) and graffiti-like tagging is textural, innovative, and personal. Come check it out at the Arts Walk next Tuesday February 25th from 6:15-7:30 in The Reed Center.
Hal Stuart ’20, Ceramics
From the beginning of the trimester, Hal has shown curiosity, enthusiasm for the creative progress. He shows initiative when working and often pushes himself to create above and beyond project expectations. Hal can be found in the Ceramics studio perfecting his craft during free periods or evening study halls.
Nathan Shatz ’21, Choral Groups
Nathan is a triple threat: he is a model U-N leader, a swimmer, and an artist. He has participated in choirs for three terms and is currently a part of the Les Miserables cast. Nathan deeply cares about his personal progress as well as his peers’ overall improvement. He is reliable, consistent, and hard-working. Nathan is a complete person.
Nina Renkert ’20, Theater
Nina has worked all trimester to bring her Williston Scholars play, Eleemosynary, to life. With dedication, artistry and tireless support for her production team and actors, she has demonstrated what is best in a theater director.