Anna Richardson ‘21- Girls Cross Country
Anna has been a charismatic and energetic leader since day one of practice for the girls cross country team. Anna served as the sole captain of a 25-member team for several weeks in the beginning of the season due to reasons out of everyone’s control. She accepted this challenge with full confidence and a remarkable ability to inspire and encourage all her teammates. Anna’s take-charge attitude, balanced by her good humor and her highly developed ability to listen and to give advice, has made her an exemplary leader on the team. Her teammates have tremendous respect for her individual work ethic in practices, as well as her support and encouragement to all members of the team. If any runner wants to know how to get the most out of any workout, all they must do is to watch Anna. In this most difficult of seasons, when the team has been forced to train hard every day, without the reward of Saturday races, Anna has been a huge help to the coaches in generating enthusiasm and dedication from her teammates. An All-New England runner during her junior year, Anna has managed the disappointment of a race-less season with her typical maturity and resilience. Our team is improving every week, and this is in part due to Anna’s remarkable abilities as a role model and team leader.
Cam Huntley ’21- Boys Varsity football
Cam is the consummate teammate and has been for the past four seasons for the Wildcats. He shows up every day with a positive attitude and an incredible work ethic and can be seen encouraging his teammates to do the same on the field and in the weight room He is a phenomenal leader by example for his teammates and a great role model for them to follow. In all the years he has played football at Williston he has never missed a practice. Williston Football needs more guys like Cam!
Emily O’Brien ’21- Girls Varsity Soccer
Emily has been an amazing teammate and leader all fall for the girls varsity soccer team. She arrives for practice ready to give her best effort every day and works tirelessly to bring out the best in her teammates. She is a great leader, who always volunteers to bring equipment out to the field and back into the building after practice. Emily demonstrates purpose, passion and integrity every day on and off the field providing an excellent example for all her teammates. She makes the soccer program stronger daily and her teammates look to her for support and inspiration. Her coaches are so proud of her and all that she does to make the Wildcats the strongest team possible!
Jack Berrien ‘25- Boys JV Soccer
Jack has been an important piece of the boys JV soccer team this season. He comes to practice prepared for anything and consistently brings a positive and upbeat attitude that is infectious with the rest of the team. Jack puts his all into every drill whether playing goalie or out in the field and his will to improve has provided a great example for his teammates. He never complains and is always willing to try something new. Jack is a true role model and has helped to make this unique season fun and enjoyable for his teammates and coaches alike!
Lola Wiemeyer ‘24- Girls JV Volleyball
As a returner to the volleyball program, Lola has been counted on to be a leader this season. She has stepped into this role flawlessly by setting a great example for others to follow every day. Lola can be seen bringing a positive energy, focus and a determination to get better to each practice. She works to improve her own skills, but also to help those around her improve theirs as well. Lola has worked hard to overcome the adversity that this season has brought and has inspired others to do the same.
Alex Hall Witt ‘23 – Boys JVA Soccer
Alex has been a prime example of the “Williston way” as he has demonstrated purpose, passion and integrity day in and day out for the boys JVA soccer program. In a difficult year, without games to prepare for he has been on time and ready to go every day and has shown great determination and unselfishness in the team’s daily scrimmages. Alex has raised the level of practice and play by his presence, making every player a little bit better each day.
Cora Webber ’21- Varsity Field Hockey
Cora has been a great leader and teammate throughout this entire unprecedented season for the varsity field hockey program. She arrives everyday ready to work her hardest and encourages all those around her to do the same. Cora is a veteran field hockey player who has been very helpful to all new members of the program. She is always first in line and first to start whatever drill is asked of the team. Cora has been a constant to the defensive core of the team all season. She continues to work on her own skills while encouraging all others to do the same. Whenever needed, Cora completes tasks asked without hesitation. Consistently, she expresses the importance of communication to her team. Cora holds herself and all those around her to a high standard and demonstrates this through her hard work. Her coaches are very proud of her and the leadership role she has stepped into this year!
Tyler Yunes ’25- Boys Cross Country
Tyler has returned to cross country this year with some strong summer training and confidence from last year. He recently took over two minutes off his best time from last year in our time trial running 24:45. It’s been terrific to see him grow into a stronger runner and he always comes to practice with a “can do” attitude. The team looks forward to seeing him continue to grow and develop!
Minami Ogino ‘22– JV Field Hockey
Minami has been an important piece of the puzzle for the girls JV field hockey team this season. She works hard in every practice, putting her full effort into each drill. She’s fast, has terrific stick skills, and can play both offense and defense. Most importantly, Minami comes to practice every day with a smile on her face and a cheerful attitude. The team and her coaches all feel lucky to have Minami’s positive spirit on the team, especially this fall!
Gavin Havens ’22- Boys Varsity Hockey
Gavin has been a great addition to the boys varsity hockey team this season. In what has been a long pre-season Gavin brings a quiet, positive attitude to the ice every day. He has provided an excellent example for his teammates as he consistently works hard on the ice and in the weight room to improve his ability and skills all the while pushing his teammates to do the same. In the team’s opening series of intra-squad scrimmages, Gavin has led the way with 6 goals, proving that hard work and determination does indeed pay dividends.
Linda Askenazi Machon ’21- Girls JV Soccer
Linda has shown great leadership for the girls JV soccer team throughout this unique fall season. Being the only senior on the team, it is no surprise that she slid into this role with ease. Her enthusiasm for the sport of soccer is echoed not only through her passion and determination each day, but also through the ways in which she brings the team together as a unit. She strives to create an inclusive environment where the girls can come to have fun and be competitive and not fear judgement for their developing skills. The other girls on the team look up to her greatly, and as coaches we are grateful to have her as part of our program. We are excited to continue to watch Linda grow as a leader and continue to make this team feel like home for the girls!
Erin Chai ’21- Girls Varsity Volleyball
As one of the captains for the girls varsity volleyball team, Erin has spoken of her experiences as a member of this team over the past few years and encouraged the players to enjoy the moments that make up the group’s time together. She leads by example, consistently rising to the occasion in practice through the ups and downs of this extraordinary season, selflessly taking on any role, and excelling in the game with the ball in the air. Her performance in the intra-squad game, drills in practice, and her history of performance heralded a monster upcoming season. As a senior and returning NEPSAC all-star, her diversifying arsenal as an outside hitter would have been put to good use as one of the primary cogs in our offensive attack. At the same time, she is one of our most dependable defenders and server receivers. The Wildcats season would not have been nearly as successful without her contributions.