Hearty congratulations to the students who received recognition for their academic achievements during a ceremony under the tent on the Main Quad on Tuesday, May 18. The awardees are as follows:
History and Global Studies
The A. L. HEPWORTH PRIZE, honoring a legendary history teacher, Dean of Students, and tennis coach, 1926-1973, is awarded to those students who have done excellent work in the United States History course:
For improvement – Lam Thieu
For accomplishment – Sarah Markey
The EDWARD M. LAWTON JR. PRIZES are awarded for superior work in elective courses in the History and Global Studies Department. Ed Lawton taught history from 1947 to 1983 and was the first to teach Asian History and Economics at Williston.
AP World History – Katherine Kang
World History – Orion Minton
Humanities: History – Jasmine Simmons
Native American History – Sara Johnson
International Relations – Grace O’Keefe
Women’s And Gender Studies – Qingyun “Melody” Pan
Hitler And Nazi Germany – Molly Kinstle
African American History – Taryn Queenin
History And Film – Sylvia Rhodes
AP Comparative Government And Politics – Gabriel Davila Bustamante
Comparative Government And Politics – William “Will” Jarvis
Economics – Getchel Gibbons
AP Micro & Macroeconomics – Jingwei “Amy” Ren
Western Religions – Philippe “Phil” Shevchenko
Introduction To Philosophy – Molly Kinstle
Eastern Religions – Sian Lewandowski
Existentialism – Alex Latkovski
Humanities: Religious Studies – Seth O’Donnell
The EDWARD L. O’BRIEN 1916 PRIZE is awarded to a student who has achieved high standing in social studies courses and displayed an active interest in American Law and Politics:
Avi Falk
The DAG HAMMARSKJÖLD HISTORY PRIZE, given by an alumnus of the Class of 1955 in honor of the Nobel Laureate and Secretary General of the United Nations, 1953-1961, is awarded to that student who has written the best lengthy research paper on some phase of international relations or diplomatic history:
Alioune Badara “Badou” Ba
THE MARTIN TANANBAUM PRIZE, honoring the father of Minnie Tananbaum Lomeo, Class of 1966, is awarded to that student who has combined an appreciation for the study of religion, philosophy, or ethics with responsible social activities within and beyond the Williston community.
Melissa “Mel” Baseman
The GEORGE AND FRANK CAREW DEBATING PRIZE was established by brothers, members of the class of 1882, and is awarded for excellence in debate. Originally the prize was given to the winners of the annual Adelphi vs. Gamma Sigma debate.
Rosemary “Rosie” Crooker
Prizes honoring ASAHEL LYMAN WILLISTON, class of 1852, trustee, and nephew of the founder, are offered for excellence in English.
Grade 9, Soleil Richardson
Grade 10, Lauren Yee
AP Language Grade 11, Sarah Markey
AP Literature Grade 12, Anna Richardson
A prize honoring GILBERT F. KENNEDY, class of 1891, and Williston trustee, for the best junior term paper.
Sofia Michalski
THE HAZELDINE PRIZE, in memory of Myrtle Elizabeth Hazeldine and her husband, Harry Newton Hazeldine class of 1921, is awarded each year to the student who has consistently improved the caliber of his or her written work both in English classes and for the student newspaper, The Willistonian.
Emily O’Brien
THE SIDNEY NELSON MORSE PRIZES, in memory of a member of the class of 1886 who taught at Williston from 1890 to 1928, are awarded each year to the two students recording the best work in senior English.
Leila Minkara
Benjamin “Ben” Cheney
THE BARD COLLEGE PRIZE FOR CRITICAL WRITING is offered to that student “who wrote the outstanding paper or essay during senior year”.
Sophie Gontow Calderon
THE ANTONIO GIACOMINI, CLASS OF 1931 WRITING PRIZE is awarded to that first year student who has demonstrated consistent excellence in his or her written work over the course of the entire year:
Andrea “Andie” Kinstle
THE H. THOMAS WOOD, CLASS OF 1924 PRIZE is awarded “to the graduating student who has shown the most promise in the field of journalism during undergraduate days at the school”: This year’s prize honors the students who have contributed the most to The Willistonian’s print and online publications.
Shen-Yi “Erin” Chai
ARETE, class of 1985, established four prizes to be given for the student in each of the four grades who has, by record of achievement and faculty recommendation, made the most improvement in the study of English for the academic year.
Grade 9 – Matthew Bukzin
Grade 10 – Sotaro Wakabayashi
Grade 11 – Kana Kitano
Grade 12 – Alioune Badara “Badou” Ba
Visual and Performing Arts
The Visual and Performing Arts Department has awards in each of the disciplines.
For the Visual Arts
DRAWING AWARD: For outstanding effort and excellence:
Abigail “Abby” Schulkind
PAINTING AWARD: For inventiveness and chance-taking and for excellence in pursuing the visual language expressively:
Hannah Choi
Sylvia Rhodes
STUDIO ART AWARD: For best work in AP Studio Art
Yijune Hong
For Photography
ANTONIO GIACOMINI, CLASS OF 1931 PHOTOGRAPHY PRIZE is awarded each year for excellent work in Photography:
Melissa “Mel” Baseman
For Dance
THE CHOREOGRAPHY AWARD is presented to that student who has demonstrated his or her commitment to excellence in the art of Dance Composition by engaging in collaborative projects, inviting personal growth, and presenting impactful dance pieces for the Williston stage.
Amelia Carlan
THE DANCE PERFORMANCE AWARD is presented to the student who has consistently demonstrated excellence, enthusiasm, and leadership in the Dance Program, both in the studio and on the stage. The recipient of this award demands of him or herself the highest level of physical and intellectual effort, attention to detail, and a dynamic quality of movement that inspires connection, communicates emotion, and delivers a powerful audience experience.
Jillian Dietz
For Music
THE STELLA MAE HEPWORTH MEMORIAL PRIZE is awarded to a senior who contributes significantly to the arts, particularly music. Mrs. Hepworth taught piano to four decades of Williston students beginning in the 1920s.
Nathan Shatz
THE BARBARA K. ANSBACHER AWARD, established by Henry Ansbacher, Class of 1988, in memory of his mother, is awarded to a member of the graduating class who has maintained a high level of academic achievement and who has made a significant contribution to the music program.
Linda Askenazi Mochon
THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT PRIZE is given in honor of Richard Gregory, who taught music, theater, art history, and English at Williston from 1961 to 2004, in testimony to his life-long love for and involvement with music as a composer, performer and teacher and in recognition of his limitless contributions to musical life at Williston.
Michael Curtis
MUSIC THEORY AWARD is given for best work in AP Music Theory:
Sophie Gontow Calderon
For Theater
The PETER EDGERTON, CLASS OF 1974 MEMORIAL AWARD is given for outstanding service rendered to the Williston Theater.
Alexa Kerr
THE WILLISTON THEATER PRIZE: to a member of the Williston Theater who has unselfishly given time and energy in the service of the Theater.
Amelia Carlan
THE MARQUIS F. DICKINSON PRIZES, honoring a member of the class of 1858, former Trustee, and son-in-law of Samuel and Emily Williston, are awarded for each year’s best male and female dramatic performances. Winning this year:
Eleanor Winrow (Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime)
Mazin Hussein (Antigone)
THE HOWARD G. BOARDMAN PRIZES honor the distinguished founder and director of The Williston Theater for 40 years. “Boardy” also taught French and served as Alumni Secretary from 1921 to 1961.
To the male and female actors for outstanding performance in a supporting role 2020-21.
Hannah Cannizzo (Antigone)
Gabriel Davila Bustamante (Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime)
To that member of the Williston Theater who has demonstrated the greatest improvement as an actor during the course of a single year.
Melissa “Mel” Baseman
THE CHESTER MONROE MERRICK ‘65 MEMORIAL PRIZE: awarded to those who have contributed in technical areas to the excellence of the Theater at Williston:
Z Demetriou
The Arts Concentration recognizes and supports the passions and efforts of students who are deeply involved with the arts at Williston (Visual or Performing) and who are engaged with the arts beyond our academic or extra-curricular requirements. Students who are awarded an Arts Concentration have pursued a specific and rigorous program of opportunities to develop their artistic talents and are also Williston Scholars who have created and shared independent projects in their areas of concentration. Please stand to be recognized.
For Performing Arts
Linda Askenazi Mochon
Hannah Cannizzo
Amelia Carlan
Gabriel Davila Bustamante
Z Demetriou
Jillian Dietz
Sage Friedman
Sophie Gontow Calderon
Adeline Hume
Tyler “Ty” Johnson
Alexa Kerr
Eleanor Winrow
For Visual Arts
Linda Askenazi Mochon
Melissa “Mel” Baseman
Charles “Charlie” Blumberg
Hannah Cannizzo
Franklin “David” Costello
Samuel “Sam” Foley
Sophie Gontow Calderon
Yijune Hong
Thomas Motyka
Taryn Queenin
Abigail “Abby” Schulkind
The PSYCHOLOGY AWARD is presented for the best work in AP Psychology.
Abigail “Abby” Belfer
Prizes provided by the will of BENJAMIN W. B. BROWN, class of 1887, are awarded for the best essays written or achievement in the study of biological sciences.
Biology, Sydni Landman
Most Improved in Biology, Connor Jenkins
For excellence in AP Biology, Jonathan “Felix” King
BAUSCH AND LOMB HONORARY SCIENCE AWARD The University of Rochester and Bausch & Lomb, Inc. of Rochester, New York, offers an honorary Science award medal to a junior who has made the greatest progress in science during his secondary school years. The student receiving this award is eligible to compete for a science scholarship.
Yijune Hong
The Alumni Association of RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE offers a medal to an eleventh grader who has achieved excellence in mathematics and science.
[Note: If student applies and enrolls, the official Rensselaer Medal will be presented during honors convocation in the fall of the first year at Rensselaer.]Sicen “Anita” Hua
THE YVES COUDERC PHYSICS PRIZES honor a teacher of science and music, 1961-1979.
For greatest improvement in Physics – Soleil Richardson
For greatest achievement in Physics – Catherine “Catie” Spence
For greatest improvement in an advanced Physics course – Benjamin “Ben” Cheney
For greatest achievement in AP Physics 1 – Francis “Frannie” Cataldo
For greatest achievement in AP Physics C – Sicen “Anita” Hua
The class of 1891 offers two prizes for excellence in Chemistry, honoring PROFESSOR FRANK ADRIAN LEACH, who taught Chemistry and Biology and served as Director of Athletics, 1892-1902.
Chemistry, Louisa Coughlin
AP Chemistry, Jonathan “Felix” King
The EARL NELSON JOHNSTON PRIZE, established by the class of 1953, is awarded annually for the best improvement in Chemistry. Mr. Johnston taught science from 1918 to 1954, and at times conducted the choir and advised The Willistonian and The Log:
Caleb Boyko
ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AWARD for the best work in AP Environmental Science.
Anna Richardson
The GEORGE PARSONS TIBBETS PRIZES, honoring a legendary teacher of mathematics from 1890 to 1926, are awarded each year for best work in:
AP Calculus AB, Liam Coughlin
AP Calculus BC Multivariable, Sicen “Anita” Hua
Algebra 2, Emily Hamann
A prize is awarded in memory of the late JUDGE DAVID KENNEDY, class of 1892, for the best work in Geometry.
Andrea “Andie” Kinstle
The MELVIN JESSE COOK AWARD for achievement in Precalculus was established to honor Mr. Cook, Head of the Math Department, who retired in 1952 after 41 years, and was made an honorary member of that graduating class.
Louisa Coughlin
The MATH DEPARTMENT AWARD for best work in Discrete Mathematics.
Anfisa Bogdanenko
The MATH DEPARTMENT AWARD for best work in AP Statistics.
Teera “Tee” Tesharojanasup
The COMPUTER PROGRAMMING PRIZE for outstanding performance in the computer programming courses and best work in AP Computer Science.
Jonathan “Felix” King
The COMPUTER SCIENCE PRINCIPLES PRIZE for outstanding performance in the computer programming courses and best work in AP Computer Science Principles.
Na Kyung Lee
The Mathematical Association of America holds a series of contests each year to determine the strongest mathematical students in the country. The winners of these year-long competitions represent the United States in an International Olympiad. The first of these contests is called the American Mathematics Contest. The student who scores highest at each participating school is named the winner at that school. This prize was awarded earlier this year though we would like to have them stand and be recognized for this achievement. This year the winner is:
Ji Soo Hwang
The following prizes are awarded to those students who have made the greatest achievement as students of Chinese during the academic year.
Chinese I
Shuei Harada
Chinese II
Alina Sorkin-Camacho
Chinese III
Getchell Gibbons
Chinese IV
Courson “CC” Gray
AP Chinese
Sian Lewandowski
THE HOWARD G. BOARDMAN PRIZES are for excellence in French. These prizes were established to honor Howard G. Boardman, head of the French Department for many years and Senior Master of the School until his retirement in 1961. They come from a fund established by Professor and Mrs. J. Henry Korson.
French I
Qizhen “Crystal” Tan
French II
Lam Thieu
French III
Katherine Kang
French V
Sydni Landman
Sofia Michalski
AP French
Abigail “Abby” Schulkind
THE B. HOFF KNIGHT AWARD, in memory of a faculty member, 1967-1968, is awarded to that student who displays an active interest in the study of French and plans further study of the language.
Sonia Whitman
THE HENRY E. DONAIS, JR. FRENCH PRIZE is given “in memory of Henry E. Donais, Jr., Class of 1959 and former member of the French Department at Williston,” 1966-1969, for best fluency in French by a non-native speaker.
Hana Naughton
THE SUSAN CAROLINE FERGUSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP was established by the family and friends of Susan Ferguson of the Class of 1980. The award is made in alternate years to the member of the junior class who attains the highest grades in English or French. It is awarded this year for achievement in French.
Sofia Michalski
THE LINCOLN D. GRANNISS PRIZES established by the class of 1953, are awarded for scholastic achievement and earnest, intelligent participation in the Latin courses. The class hopes that the prize, honoring a teacher of Latin from 1910 to 1953, will be respected, as “it is the living symbol of a man who has instilled in all a pleasure in being and learning.”
Latin I
Philippa “Pippa” Berry
Latin II
Stella Gordon
Latin III
Elsa Frankel
Maxwell “Max: Graff
Latin IV
Emeline “Lily” Bruce
Mazin Hussein
AP Latin
Na Kyung Lee
THE CHARLES A. BUFFUM PRIZE, honoring a teacher of Latin and Greek from 1878 to 1922, is for excellence in sight translation in Latin.
Anne-Valerie Clitus
THE DAVID H. THOMAS SPANISH PRIZES are awarded to those students who have made the greatest achievement as students of Spanish during the academic year. David H. Thomas was elected to the Williston faculty in 1929 and, after 42 years of service as teacher and department head, retired in 1971.
Spanish I
Andrea “Andie” Kinstle
Spanish II
Calvin Klumpp
Spanish III
Louisa Coughlin
Spanish V
Sarah Markey
AP Spanish
Jeremy “Jerry” Landman
Additional Awards
TUTOR OF THE YEAR Prize honors the outstanding student tutor who has made a conscientious effort to help fellow students academically. This year the outstanding tutor is:
Francis “Frannie” Cataldo
Ruby McElhone Yates
THE LOG: Certificates
Emily O’Brien ’21 (editor)
Na Kyung Lee ’21 (editor)
Lauren O’Donald ’22 (editor)
Mooreoluwape “Lupe” Oloyede ’24 (staff)
Lauren Yee ’22 (staff)
Sian Lewandowski
Athletic Awards
The Athletic Department presents a senior award, the Blanket Award, to honor exceptional participation in the Williston athletic program. Seniors who have been at Williston for more than one year are eligible for this award if they missed only one season, not including their senior year. 18 seniors are presented with the Blanket Award.
Linda Askenazi Mochon
Shen-Yi “Erin” Chai
Liam Coughlin
Camren “Cam” Huntley
Alex Latkovski
JiHee Liu
Emily O’Brien
Thitiwat “Poon” Phentrakul
Poojaa Prakash Babu
Lily Shields
George Spence
Adam Thistlethwaite
Nikita “Nik” Tokarskiy
Charles “Charlie” Vachet
Cora Webber
Sydney “Syd” Wegner
Sonia Whitman
Emily Zambarano
The GEORGE DENMAN BOWL (for boys), and the ALUMNAE BOWL (for girls) are “awarded to seniors whose contribution to the athletic program has been characterized by exceptional achievement, faithful participation, and loyal devotion to the best interests of the school.”
This year The George Denman Award is given to:
Alex Latkovski
This year the Alumni Bowl Award is given to:
Molly Kinstle
The ATHLETIC LEADERSHIP AWARD is presented to seniors who have distinguished themselves in terms of the quality of the leadership they have demonstrated as student athletes. The recipients exemplify what it means to be an outstanding teammate, competitor, and representative of the school. Their selfless leadership, sportsmanship and integrity have provided inspiration to their coaches and teammates throughout their time at Williston.
This year the Athletic Leadership Awards are given to:
Liam Coughlin
Sian Lewandowski
Emily O’Brien