Science Teacher

Philip Cooper


Science Department


Phone: 413-529-3000

I live with my wife and two children in Northampton and have been in the Pioneer Valley since 1995. I have been teaching high school science and math since 1998 and have taught math at community colleges since 2005. I grew up in Europe, (Switzerland and Luxembourg), the US (Ohio), Brazil (Sao Paulo), and Mexico (Puebla). I have professional and/or personal interests in science, math, languages, travel, music, biking, and track & field.

B.A., Spanish, Cum Laude, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio
B.E., Chemical Engineering, Cum Laude, Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio
M.Ed., Mathematics Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Fun Fact:
I still have working 8 track players as well as 33/45/78 rpm record players, VHS, and CDi players.