Timothy Murphy ’96 received the Daniel and Jane Carpenter Award during an award ceremony in the Phillips Stevens Chapel on May 14, 2016. Sidea Dill ’16 presented the award.
Murphy attended Williston Northampton for six years when he was an active member of the Caterwaulers, performed in many theatre productions, was a four-year member of the cross-country team and was honored at graduation with the Archibald V. Galbraith Prize.
His favorite memory of Williston is the spring production of Sweeney Todd in his senior year. “It was a massive undertaking with a huge cast of students and faculty, a full orchestra, a complex and beautiful set and challenging choreography. It was a great honor to lead that production as Sweeney and the positive reception from the Williston community was one of the high points of my life.”
Established in 2006 by Daniel M. Cain ’64 in honor of the late Daniel and Jane Carpenter and their commitment to and support of The Williston Northampton School, its students, parents, and alumni, The Daniel and Jane Carpenter Award is given to an active volunteer who, through “effort and energy” as well as financial contribution, has had a substantial impact raising dollars and participation for the school.
After graduating, Murphy attended Boston College where he earned a BA in English and a Masters of Liberal Studies with a focus in Religion and Politics from Dartmouth College.
He returned to Williston in 2000 to work for seven years in the Admissions Office before moving to The Fessenden School in West Newton, MA, where he is the director of secondary school advising. During his time working at Williston, Murphy also served as a trustee for The Becket-Chimney Corners YMCA Camps and Berkshire Outdoor Center.
Murphy has been a faithful supporter of the Williston Northampton Fund, giving every year since he graduated. He has been featured in The Bulletin, has chaired several reunion committees, attended multiple events in the Boston area and is a selfless supporter of the school.
Congratulations, Tim, and thank you for your support!