Technology Department
The Williston Northampton School’s Technology Department recognizes the increasingly important role that technology plays in the lives of our students, and the lives of everyone in our community. It keeps us connected to one another, helps us to learn, and can fuel our passions. Because success with technology is so vital, we are committed to providing exceptional technical service and guidance to everyone in our community. The Technology Department collaborates with teachers, administrators, and students to enhance everyone’s academic, extracurricular, and social experience, and to prepare our students for success in college and beyond.
History of Technology at Williston
Long at the forefront of both academic and administrative computing (we began using computers on campus in 1973), at Williston Northampton we’re committed to providing our teachers with the best resources with which to educate our students and to giving our students the tools they need to take full advantage of all we offer as they explore and develop their intellectual life. As a college preparatory school, we recognize the importance of helping our students develop the digital skills they will need in college, in advanced studies, and in life. We teach our students to use technology with purpose, passion, and integrity.
Services and Software
Students currently have access to the following software and services, both in and out of the class:
Microsoft Office: the world’s most popular suite of productivity tools
LAN School: collaborative classroom technology
OneDrive: Each student will be provided with 7GB of cloud storage. OneDrive also allows for increased collaboration.
Lync/Audio & Video Conferencing: Every student will be able to connect easily to others and record lectures and meetings.
OneNote: Organizational tool that provides one convenient place to store notes from a variety of sources
Printing: Students can print to a variety of printers on campus.
Students can access all of these services via the school’s wireless network, which includes a 200Mbs connection to the Internet. If they encounter computer problems, students can find the Technology Department in the basement of Memorial Hall, and the staff is prepared to meet any support needs.
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