Williston Builds


You can’t see a stronger financial foundation, but you sure can feel it on campus.

Thanks to the generosity of more than 5,000 donors, Williston not only met but exceeded its original campaign goals—raising more than $86 million, increasing the endowment by 64%, and achieving 58% growth in the Williston Northampton Fund. These milestones have created a ripple effect across every aspect of the school, enabling Williston to envision a more ambitious and creative path forward. “I’m so proud of what we have accomplished. Williston has never been stronger,” says Board Chair John Hazen White Jr. ’76. “This campaign has taken the school to new heights. And the stronger we are as a school, the more successful we can be in launching students into the next chapter of their lives.

“A strong financial foundation allows you to dream big,” says Head of School Robert W. Hill III. “It allows you to account for the unexpected and to be creative and flexible about supporting students and faculty in all the ways that are so important.”


How the growth of the Williston Northampton Fund is making great things possible

If you find yourself a bit confused when you hear the term Williston Northampton Fund, you’re not alone. While this fund is vital to the school’s financial health and the day-to-day experience of students, it’s not always clear how it works or why it matters. Here, we explain the nuts and bolts—and how the remarkable growth of the Williston Northampton Fund has been central to the campaign’s success.

  • What exactly IS the Williston Northampton Fund?

    Like many schools, Williston relies on more than just tuition to cover the annual cost of educating students and operating the school. This is where the Williston Northampton Fund plays a key role! Along with tuition and revenue generated from our endowment, this fund helps bridge the gap between income and total expenses each year. Without it, the school would have to draw even more from the endowment, slowing its growth over time. To use a simple analogy, it’s like borrowing from your 401(k) to cover household expenses—less than ideal for long-term financial health. Thanks to the Williston Northampton Fund, we can preserve and grow the endowment for future generations while funding what’s needed right now.

  • What does the Williston Northampton Fund pay for?

    Think of it as a checking account that provides funding where it’s most needed each year—whether it’s fixing a roof leak in Ford Hall, buying new nets for Lossone Rink, covering costs for a field trip, or providing new costumes for school plays or lab equipment. Donors can earmark their gifts for what matters to them—academics, arts, athletics, DEIB, or financial aid—or they can choose “general need,” allowing the school to allocate funds where they’re needed most. Donations are put to work immediately in the year they are received.

  • Did gifts to the Williston Northampton Fund increase during the campaign?

    They did—by an impressive 58%! More than 5,600 donors contributed during the campaign, re-sulting in more than $19 million given to the fund. As noted above, those gifts were used right away to enhance all aspects of student life and learning at Williston. See more details at right.

The Williston Northampton Fund has seen record growth during the campaign


Total contributed by Williston Northampton Fund to the campaign
…representing 23% of the $86 million campaign total


Growth in dollars to the fund since campaign launch


Increase in members of the 1841 Society—our leadership giving society


Unique donors who made a gift to the Williston Northampton Fund
donors made a gift of $100 or less, totaling $955,727
Portion of contributors who supported the campaign through a gift to the Williston Northampton Fund

Young alumni showed up in record numbers

Increase in donors from the 15 most recent classes
Increase in Wildcat Club members of the 1841 Society from the 15 most recent classes
Portion of young alumni that give on Founders Day


One of the most important achievements of the Williston Builds campaign has been increasing the school’s endowment. Here’s a closer look at why a strong endowment matters and how it fuels expansive thinking for the future.

  • How exactly does the endowment work?

    The endowment functions as Williston’s long-term investment account, designed to grow over time through strategic investments and gifts. The larger the endowment becomes, the more it can support Williston’s mission through regular distributions. Over the past decade, Williston’s long-term investments yielded annualized interest returns ranging from 6.9% to 23.6%, depending on the market. The endowment is invested across diverse assets, including equities, indexed funds, bonds, and real estate.

  • Where does the endowment stand today?

    During the campaign, the endowment achieved steady growth, rising from $36.6 million to $60.2 million—a 64% increase—thanks to a combination of philanthropic support and investment growth.

  • Is the endowment just one huge fund?

    Williston’s endowment is not just one fund. It’s made up of a general fund (that can be used for any purpose) and nearly 300 endowed funds established by alumni, families, and graduating classes. These individual funds are often earmarked for specific priorities that reflect the donors’ interests and Williston’s mission, such as financial aid, faculty support, athletics, arts, or academics. Many funds carry the names of individuals, classes, or groups they honor—for example, the Northampton School for Girls Instructorship or the Class of 1968 Financial Aid Fund. Twenty-four new endowed funds were established during the campaign, and the vast majority of $26 million in confirmed future commitments from planned gifts will eventually be added to the school’s endowment.

  • What does the endowment pay for?

    Williston’s endowment provides essential support across all areas of the school’s mission, focusing on long-term goals and financial stability. On average, the school draws about 5% annually from the endowment to supplement tuition revenue, funding areas like financial aid, faculty support, and campus improvements. This is where endowment growth is critical: The larger the endowment, the faster it can grow, and the more income it can generate. A strong endowment allows the school to plan ambitiously and respond to future opportunities with confidence. (See below for an illustration of how a 5% disbursement varies depending on endowment size.)

  • What does a strong endowment do for Williston?

    • Provides stable income for the future
    • Supports costs that tuition alone cannot cover
    • Helps the school weather ups and downs in the economy
    • Allows Williston to embrace ambitious plans and future goals
    • Ensures long-term funding for core priorities
    • Creates opportunities for donors to make a lasting impact

Endowment Draw 101

It’s simple math: A larger endowment generates more income each year, which increases the funds Williston can spend annually. Below, see how a 5% withdrawal grows as the endowment total rises.

5% of a $38 million endowment = $1.9 million

5% of a $60 million endowment = $3 million

5% of a $100 million endowment = $5 million