Hall of Fame 2019

George “Tiger” Craig ’33

Graduating from Williston Academy in 1933, Tiger Craig was an accomplished three-sport athlete in football, basketball, and baseball during his two-year Williston Academy career. While his athleticism was a significant part of his Williston experience, what made him legendary was his post-Williston athletic exploits on the basketball court. Craig played in 54 alumni basketball games, through the age of 77. His two-handed set shot was the stuff of legends, and he would routinely put on shooting exhibitions during the halftimes of Williston games. He was the only person to play a competitive basketball game in all three of Williston’s gyms—the original gym for Easthampton High School, the “old gym” in what is now the Reed Campus Center, and the current Sabina Cain Family Athletic Center. Craig regularly participated in the Senior Olympics at Springfield College, running the 100, 200, and 400 and competing in the long jump. At 84, he won four gold medals. Living in Easthampton, he was a frequent spectator at games, even traveling down to Connecticut to watch his beloved Wildcats play. He died at age 99 in 2012.