Sincere congratulations to the 337 Wildcats who earned honors during the third trimester of the 2020-21 school year!
Grade 9
Camille Armaganian, High Honors
Caroline Aufiero, High Honors
Yuetong Bie, High Honors
Matthew Bukzin, Honors
Logan Cherewatti, Honors
Aaron Chittilappilly, Honors
Alessandra Christakos, High Honors
James Elliott, High Honors
Azhara Ewen, High Honors
Amber Fedor, High Honors
Hudson Fulcher-Melendy, High Honors
Benjamin Goodman, Honors
Stella Gordon, High Honors
Chloe Grimm, High Honors
Heyu Guo, High Honors
Emily Hamann, High Honors
Aaron Hammer, High Honors
Edmund Howell, Honors
Ava Hunter, Honors
Shea Huntley, High Honors
Aidan Joyce, Honors
Andrea Kinstle, High Honors
Calvin Klumpp, High Honors
Ayden Kokoszka, High Honors
Colin Larson, High Honors
William Livingston, Honors
Monique Lyons, Honors
James Ma, High Honors
Brooke Manfredi, Honors
Maisie Mattocks, High Honors
Abigail Muscato, High Honors
Kevin Mwangi, Honors
Chi Nguyen, High Honors
Kanari Noguchi, High Honors
Sean O’Donnell, High Honors
Seth O’Donnell, High Honors
Mooreoluwape Oloyede, Honors
Kaitlyn Ondrick, Honors
Zachary Pincus, Honors
Quinn Pollack, High Honors
Luke Richardson, Honors
Soleil Richardson, High Honors
Anna Sawyer, High Honors
Jasmine Simmons, High Honors
Nicholas Sobon, High Honors
Alina Sorkin-Camacho, High Honors
Catherine Spence, High Honors
Qizhen Tan, High Honors
Lola Wiemeyer, High Honors
Hao Zeng, High Honors
Zhenyi Zhou, High Honors
Yihong Zhou, High Honors
Yafei Zhou, High Honors
Grade 10
Ademidire Adeosun, Honors
Ademidore Adeosun, Honors
Gavin Akroyd, Honors
Jordan Attys, High Honors
Luke Ballard, High Honors
Benjamin Barth, Honors
Lydia Berghoff, Honors
Philippa Berry, High Honors
Caleb Boyko, Honors
Avery Brooks, Honors
Alexis Caines, Honors
Alexander Calianos, Honors
Connor Capshaw, High Honors
Benjamin Carlan, High Honors
William Chalfant, High Honors
Daniel Ciejek, High Honors
Austin Conroy, High Honors
Louisa Coughlin, High Honors
Averie Cramer, High Honors
Emily Crovo, Honors
Ava DeCoste, High Honors
Owen Dietrich, Honors
Joseph Easton, Honors
Sophie Edmunds, High Honors
Ashlyn Foley, Honors
Samuel Fortier, Honors
Henry Foster, High Honors
Elsa Frankel, High Honors
Max Fujimori, High Honors
Getchell Gibbons, High Honors
Elizabeth Gluz, Honors
Elias Goldberg Cook, Honors
Nicolas Gomes-Rapoza, Honors
Carly Goodman, Honors
Maxwell Graff, High Honors
Kaden Green, Honors
Dyson Haaland, Honors
Alexander Hall-Witt, Honors
Shuei Harada, High Honors
Alexander Hershon, Honors
JunSeok Hwang, High Honors
Isabelle Ireland, High Honors
Amya James, Honors
Connor Jenkins, High Honors
Annika Jensen, High Honors
Lily Kane, Honors
Katherine Kang, High Honors
Nathan Kerr, Honors
Tate Kuster, Honors
Lucy Latham, Honors
Jefu Lee, Honors
Tianyu Mai, Honors
Jae Min Kim, High Honors
Orion Minton, Honors
Mason Mish, Honors
Hana Naughton, High Honors
Bach Nguyen, High Honors
Christopher Ondrick, High Honors
Alexandra Paez, High Honors
Muyang Peter Wang, Honors
Siga Pouye, High Honors
Connor Queenin, Honors
Drew Renzella, High Honors
Hannah Roche, High Honors
Amara Rozario, High Honors
Atticus Rudof, High Honors
Adam Shatz, High Honors
Ava Smith, High Honors
Jacob St. Marie, High Honors
Iñigo Sustacha, High Honors
Charles Tebo, High Honors
Tu Thieu, High Honors
Grey Vachon, High Honors
Riley Van Son, Honors
Sotaro Wakabayashi, High Honors
Kaitlyn Williams, Honors
Diana Yaseen, High Honors
Lauren Yee, High Honors
Annika Yeung, High Honors
Andrew Yu-Hwang, High Honors
Samantha Yunes, High Honors
Youming Zhao, Honors
Grade 11
Praghya Athavan Raja, High Honors
Jameson Bayuk, High Honors
Grace Bean, Honors
Edward Bergham, High Honors
Abigail Booth, Honors
Julia Borden, High Honors
Pietro Briguglio, Honors
Emeline Bruce, High Honors
Maxime-Olivier Cabana, High Honors
Everly Carroll, High Honors
Francis Cataldo, High Honors
Hannah Choi, High Honors
Christopher Closuit, Honors
Juliana Constantinople, Honors
Alexandra Cooper, High Honors
Rosemary Crooker, High Honors
Belén Degener, High Honors
Poppy Deluzuriaga, High Honors
Nikhil Desai, Honors
Sarah Drucker, High Honors
Maxwell Edwards, Honors
Dallas Elliott, High Honors
Avi Falk, High Honors
Jackson Frechette, Honors
Sage Friedman, High Honors
Samantha Friedman, High Honors
Wenqi Fu, Honors
Monica Furszyfer Massry, High Honors
William Gaca, Honors
Jean-Philippe Giguere, High Honors
Aaron Gonzalez Sobrino, High Honors
Lily Grace Dardano, High Honors
Jack Haddad, High Honors
Connor Hagness, High Honors
Teaghan Hall, Honors
I Hang U, Honors
Gavin Havens, Honors
Ethan Hebb, High Honors
Ryan Hennigan, Honors
Chi Hin Nathan, Honors
Caroline Hodges, Honors
Yijune Hong, High Honors
Victoria Hop, High Honors
Kaitaro Hori, High Honors
Sicen Hua, High Honors
Adeline Hume, Honors
Vasu Jain, Honors
Anna Jofre, High Honors
Benning Johnson, Honors
Sophia Jones, High Honors
Avi Kacker, High Honors
Minseok Kim, High Honors
Kana Kitano, High Honors
Sydni Landman, High Honors
Jeremy Landman, High Honors
William Landman, Honors
Zachary Landon, High Honors
Gianna Langone, High Honors
Olivia Lawry, High Honors
Kathryn Livingston, High Honors
Ryan Luzzi, Honors
Emmet Mahoney, Honors
Sarah Markey, High Honors
Ella Mattocks, Honors
Lily McAmis, High Honors
Daniel McKiernan, Honors
Emma Merrill, High Honors
Sofia Michalski, High Honors
Suhyun Min, High Honors
Tyler Morehouse, Honors
Tucker Motyka, High Honors
Harini Murugan, Honors
Hiu Nam Jeremie, High Honors
Cristina Negron, High Honors
Jacob Neumann, Honors
Lauren O’Donald, Honors
Erin O’Keefe, Honors
Minami Ogino, High Honors
Jose Paiz, Honors
Qingyun Pan, High Honors
Francesca Polino, Honors
Vishal Ramvelu, High Honors
Tabitha Randlett, High Honors
Jingwei Ren, High Honors
Maeve Reynolds, High Honors
Dylan Robinson, High Honors
Alan Rodal, High Honors
Soaryn Rutherford, High Honors
William Sawyer, Honors
William Seiden, High Honors
Meryl Sesselberg, High Honors
Philippe Shevchenko, High Honors
Hojin Shin, High Honors
Natalie Stott, High Honors
Bruton Strange, High Honors
Aashish Suresh, High Honors
Daniel Tencic, Honors
Lam Thieu, High Honors
Matthew Thompson, Honors
Rylie Tirrell, Honors
Abigail Touhey, High Honors
Juan Vargas, High Honors
Lily Vengco, High Honors
Annika von Schoeler-Ames, High Honors
Zachary Walker, High Honors
Henry Wiemeyer, High Honors
Sari Yamagata, High Honors
Li Yun Tsai, High Honors
Grade 12
Oluwatomisin Akisanya, Honors
Linda Askenazi Mochon, High Honors
Alioune Badara Ba, High Honors
Brandon Barrett, Honors
Melissa Baseman, Honors
Abigail Belfer, High Honors
Quinn Berry, Honors
Christian Bignotti, High Honors
Charles Blumberg, High Honors
Anfisa Bogdanenko, High Honors
Amelia Carlan, High Honors
Shen-Yi Chai, High Honors
Anne-Valerie Clitus, Honors
Liam Coughlin, High Honors
Zachary Davidson, Honors
Gabriel Davila Bustamante, High Honors
Jillian Dietz, High Honors
Roscoe Eade, High Honors
Jack Fay, High Honors
Brodie Fazio, Honors
Samuel Foley, Honors
Zachary Gmerek, Honors
Lauren Goldinger, High Honors
Sophie Gontow Calderon, High Honors
Courson Gray, High Honors
Madison Hamilton, High Honors
Mazin Hussein, High Honors
Yuchen Jiang, High Honors
Sara Johnson, High Honors
Kenshin Kadoya, High Honors
Alexa Kerr, High Honors
Jonathan King, High Honors
Molly Kinstle, High Honors
Sumner Kissane, High Honors
Pitipat Kongsomjit, Honors
Na Kyung Lee, High Honors
Alex Latkovski, High Honors
Sian Lewandowski, High Honors
JiHee Liu, Honors
Irina Malladi, Honors
Katherine McDermott, High Honors
Ruby McElhone Yates, High Honors
Jordyn Meunier, High Honors
Leila Minkara, High Honors
Matthew Moreno, Honors
Devon Morgan, High Honors
Thomas Motyka, High Honors
David Novotny, Honors
Emily O’Brien, High Honors
Grace O’Keefe, High Honors
Thitiwat Phentrakul, Honors
Poojaa Prakash Babu, High Honors
Taryn Queenin, High Honors
Lorenzo Redaelli, High Honors
Muhammad Reihandra, High Honors
Sylvia Rhodes, High Honors
Anna Richardson, High Honors
Alejandro Sanchez Diez, Honors
Émile Savoie, High Honors
Jacob Schulkind, High Honors
Abigail Schulkind, High Honors
Eve Seidman, High Honors
Nathan Shatz, High Honors
Xin Shen, High Honors
Matthew Shields, Honors
Nikhil Sierros, High Honors
Yiqing Song, High Honors
Ji Soo Hwang, Honors
George Spence, High Honors
Caroline St. Marie, Honors
Richard Stefanik, Honors
Thomas Tebo, Honors
Teera Tesharojanasup, High Honors
Nghi Tran, High Honors
Charles Vachet, High Honors
Tyler Varin, High Honors
Alexandra Walz, High Honors
Andrew Warren, High Honors
Cora Webber, High Honors
Sydney Wegner, Honors
Jane Wegrzyn, High Honors
Sonia Whitman, High Honors
Lynn Wilson, High Honors
Bach Xuan Nguyen, High Honors
Emily Zambarano, Honors
Qiyang Zhu, High Honors
Post Graduate
Benjamin Cheney, High Honors
Jordan DeLucia, High Honors
Henry Eustis, Honors
Riiny Giir, High Honors
William Jarvis, High Honors
Shane Regan, Honors
Samuel Stevens, High Honors
Eleanor Winrow, High Honors