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I’ve seen tens of thousands of math problems. Here are my three favorites and the lessons they have taught me.
Math helps us peer deeply into the vast complexities of our Pale Blue Dot. Using three problems that have shaped the course of my life, I will lead the group through an exploration of what those problems mean for humanity. The session will explore the concept of infinity, the impact of math on social justice, and the exquisitely beautiful chaos of the irrational. The session will be interactive and discussion-based. No prior knowledge of math is required to attend. You just need to be enthusiastic about diving into the unknown!
About Josh Seamon
I grew up on a farm in North Leverett, MA surrounded by a family and community that encouraged me to follow my bliss wherever it led. My childhood was punctuated by exploring rural Western, MA by bike, working on a farm with gardens and a menagerie of animals, journeying through the academic world with key stopovers in math and Mandarin Chinese, playing all the sports with my siblings, all while being guided by my minister mother and bakery-running father. After 4 years of college in Claremont, CA that included a semester abroad in Budapest, I taught for 11 years at St. Johnsbury Academy before returning to the Pioneer Valley in 2013 to begin teaching at Williston. In addition to teaching math, I coach the math and girls ultimate teams and lead international trips. I live on campus with my partner Laura and our two golden retrievers, Buffy and Sadako.